Timeout trainer’s training

In the Timeout trainer training you will learn how to train others to plan and implement Timeout discussions as well as how to teach dialogue facilitation. You will receive training in how to teach the Timeout model and you will get to know the training material. During the training you will plan your own Timeout training. In addition to this, you will receive tips on how to adapt what you have learnt in your work and your own organisation.


Perceptions for work community conflicts and resolving them

Consultant Riitta Jauhiainen presents different types of views of work community conflicts and discusses her experiences within them as a mediator. What can conflicts say? How can they be resolved? How can work community conflicts be turned into shared learning?


Imagination in Dialogue – Workshop with Professor Martha Nussbaum

The workshop brings together philosophers, artists, social scientists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, consults and psychotherapists, interested in studying the role of imagination in human communality. More specifically the aim is to discuss the possibilities of dialogical encounters and their dependency on our capacities of imagination, central to all human cooperation and culture — educational, political and scientific.

The workshop draws inspiration and information from Professor Nussbaum’s philosophy, most importantly from her works Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life, Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice and Not for Profit, and it aims at establishing a new form of scholarly exchange between philosophy, visual arts, and the human sciences.

The workshop is organized together with the University of Jyväskylä.


Interdisciplinary interaction to tackle wicked problems

Researcher Tuuli Hirvilammi discusses the significance of interdisciplinary interaction in studying wicked problems and systemically finding solutions to them. She discusses combining welfare research and environmental research as an example. How can we better understand the effects of nature and serious environmental issues on people’s wellbeing?


Dialogue in Democracy

Under pressure from global economic instability, ecological crises and growing authoritarianism, democracy is critically endangered. In order to secure the future of democracy, we need a new kind of civic activity with dialogue at its core.