What is a Socratic group dialogue?

Philosopher Olli Ahlroos presents the philosophical fundamentals of Socratic group dialogue. How can we examine shared concepts in a group? How do we increase understanding of other’s perceptions and clarify our own?


Dance as the dialogue of bodies

Dancers Jukka Haapalainen and Sirpa Suutari-Jääskö discuss how a dance performance is born by examining the bodily feelings, movements and expressions of the dancer and their dance partner. A dance performance is both a dialogue between the performers and the audience.


Can there be dialogue in politics?

Journalist and theatre director Susanna Kuparinen discusses speech culture in politics with the participants. Political speech is often a form of debate, but sometimes also avoidance, talking over others and distraction. Is it even possible to have dialogue that aims at understanding in politics?


Dialogue in organisational changes

Researcher and trainer Tiina Soini discusses utilising dialogue in organisational changes. A successful process of change requires good collaboration from the employees and skilful leadership. How is change processed and supervised through dialogue? How can dialogue be included as part of an organisation’s actions?


Dialogue in organisational changes

Researcher and trainer Tiina Soini discusses utilising dialogue in organisational changes. A successful process of change requires good collaboration from the employees and skilful leadership. How is change processed and supervised through dialogue? How can dialogue be included as part of an organisation’s actions?
