Introduction to Dialogue and/or Timeout

In the introduction to dialogue you can get to know the basics of dialogue: directing it and adapting it to different work or group situations as well as to society.
In the Timeout training you can learn how to organise Timeout discussions and learn about the tools used. The training aims to help you adopt Timeout and to independently facilitate the discussions.
The trainings can be tailored to your schedule, lasting only two hours or taking up to an entire day.


Skilful interaction in supervision

Trainer, process consultant and researcher Sanna Vehviläinen discusses core phenomena of interaction in supervision, based on her research and extensive experience. What are the basic elements of good supervision? What are the typical issues that arise and what are their solutions?


Dialogue in the “here and now”

Philosopher Kai Alhanen discusses the meaning of the here and now in dialogue. How do we generate growth for trust, mutual understanding and the birth of new ideas?
