Leading a multicultural work community

Researcher and developer Eila Isotalus and philosopher Marja-Liisa Kakkuri-Knuuttila discuss leadership in a multicultural work community. One of the challenges of a multicultural work community is that the members of the community do not know each other’s culturally bound meanings. “Negotiating reality” is a method for learning to better understand one’s own and each other’s meanings in everyday situations.


Dialogue and a leader’s power

Aretai’s CEO Marko Kangas discusses the relationship between dialogical leadership and power. How can we combine dialogicality and power? When does a leader need to allow space for free conversation and when must they tighten the reigns?


Imagination in Dialogue – Workshop with Professor Martha Nussbaum

The workshop brings together philosophers, artists, social scientists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, consults and psychotherapists, interested in studying the role of imagination in human communality. More specifically the aim is to discuss the possibilities of dialogical encounters and their dependency on our capacities of imagination, central to all human cooperation and culture — educational, political and scientific.

The workshop draws inspiration and information from Professor Nussbaum’s philosophy, most importantly from her works Poetic Justice: The Literary Imagination and Public Life, Political Emotions: Why Love Matters for Justice and Not for Profit, and it aims at establishing a new form of scholarly exchange between philosophy, visual arts, and the human sciences.

The workshop is organized together with the University of Jyväskylä.


Vulnerability and non-verbal voice

Singer, modern artist and researcher Heidi Fast discusses the phenomenon of non-verbal vocal interaction. We also examine how sound art can help express the most vulnerable features of being a human, those which are not included in rationalising speech. Why do we need vulnerability in our current society and what prevents us from expressing it? During the evening we also examine the effects of the resonance of the human voice in practice.
