Presence – the experience of connection

Virpi Koskela, a nomad of creative fields, presents her new doctoral thesis (Lappeenranta University of Technology) and its conclusions. The experience of presence can be understood as either connecting to oneself (to inner nature) or to other people and the environment (to outer nature). People’s experiences of presence enhance individuals’ and communities’ creativity and our experience of significance.


What is a Socratic group dialogue?

Philosopher Olli Ahlroos presents the philosophical fundamentals of Socratic group dialogue. How can we examine shared concepts in a group? How do we increase understanding of other’s perceptions and clarify our own?


Well functioning network meetings

Trainers Olli-Pekka Ahtiainen and Marko Kangas discuss dialogicality in network meetings. As an example, they use the city of Kouvola’s development of networks in welfare services. What are the key factors in the functionality of a network? How can dialogicality support success in networks?


Dialogue in work supervision

Trainer and process consultant Jarkko Soininen discusses how dialogue can be utilised in process consulting in different ways. One of the most powerful ways is the process consultant’s own active participation in dialogical discussions. At best, dialogue helps people to find together new creative solutions for the most complicated challenges in their work.
