Shame through the eyes of a documentarist

Film director Mia Halme discusses how experiences of shame can be processed through documentaries. We also think about the role shame has in people’s relationships and communities. What does shame destroy? Is shame needed in some way?


Dialogue Winter Days

The themes of the first Winter Days of the Dialogue Academy are dialogue in challenging situations and heated dialogues.
Save the dates for the Dialogue Winter Days now already. We will open up registrations in January 2020.


Facilitating dialogue

Sitra’s Executive Vice President Tapio Anttila shares his experiences and thoughts about working in demanding dialogues. What factors promote dialogue? What factors prevent dialogue? When is it time for dialogue? When is there reason to merely add dialogicality to different processes?


“Our Democratic Heritage”

Philosophers Kai Alhanen and Tuukka Perhoniemi present their new book Demokraattinen perintömme (Our Democratic Heritage). Democracy is not one political idea amongst others. It is a multi-stranded weave of different intellectual and practical epiphanies which have developed over a long period of time. How can these ideas help us strengthen democracy now?
